Friday, January 30, 2015

Ready, Set, EAT! - How to clean up your Superbowl foods

This weekend is one of the biggest Sundays on network TV. Ads are outrageously priced, there are more eyes on TVs than ever before and more food and drinks are consumed in living rooms more than any other day in the year.

  • According to AdWeek, as of January 28, 2015, all Super Bowl ad spots had been sold. The going rate for a 30-second spot in 2015 was $4.5 million.
  • In the past couple years, over 4.4 million pizzas were delivered by Dominos, Papa Johns and Pizza Hut. This number is expected to increase for the 2015 Super Bowl, but no public projections have been made.
  • In 2014, roughly 325 million gallons of beer were consumed.
  • As of January 29, Google search results for “Deflategate” generated what Google said were about 34,700,000 results.
  • The average American will consume 6,000 calories by the end of Superbowl day (you would need to run a marathon to burn off all those calories)

There is something about the Superbowl that triggers all senses and tells our bodies to throw calorie logic right out the window. But the best way to curb the overeating or enormous calorie spike in your day, try these super clean recipes and indulge with less guilt this Sunday!

Here are some of my top Pinterest finds!


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