Monday, January 19, 2015

Owning the resolution drop off! How to make habits change for good.

If you were one of those who made a resolution this year, and you are STILL going, you are one of the few 8% still in the game according to a 2014 report from Statistic brain. This past Saturday, January 17th is officially "Ditch Your New year's Resolutions Day". 
We all start with the best intentions but changing habits (which is mostly what are resolutions are all about) is difficult and takes some intention and dedication to really stick to them. If you are serious about making changes, even if you already dropped your resolution, take this opportunity to start fresh and still accomplish your goals. You don't need a "New Year" resolution. Just an attitude to resolve what it is you are trying to accomplish. 
Take these 3 R's of Habit Change and put them into action to get closer to your goal!

The 3 R’s of Habit Change

1. Reminder (the trigger that initiates the behavior) - Find out what makes you tick. Pay attention to when you are most sensitive to falling to that habit. If its snacking when you are stressed, or or eating badly when you eat out, find out what it is that triggers the behavior your are trying to avoid. 
2. Routine (the trigger that initiates the behavior) - We are all creatures of habit! So naturally it takes a stronger force to change things we naturally do without thinking. Identify your routine and where the change will take place to change the outcome. Changing the pattern is what will lead to a habit change.
3. Reward (the benefit you gain from doing the behavior) Always keep top of mind WHY you are doing it. If its to save money, get healthier, avoid destructive behavior, keep the focus on the why and the reward you will get from accomplishing your goal! NOT the habit itself.
Every habit you have — good or bad — follows this same 3–step pattern. Knowing these elements, being able to identify the triggers, developing a plan and point to change them and knowing what reward you will receive in the end,  will lead to a change in the habit.
REMEMBER: No matter where you stumble, don't turn backward. Step to the side of the road block and continue forward working towards your goal! You will get there.

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