Monday, November 24, 2014

AdvoGuide to the Holidays

The holidays are a busy time of year and one usually filled with stress and too much food leading to extra pounds! AdvoCare has some great opportunities for you to avoid both of those with its amazing products. Stay clear, stay energized, stay the same size this holiday!

Clear Mood supplement facilitates brain and nerve cell function by providing important neurotransmitters that help lower the effects of stress, nervousness and worry. Clear Mood supplement also contains key herbals that help you relax. 

And, when you have a lot on your plate, like the season that is just about upon us, there is an additional solution.  Oasis is a great supplement to add to your routine just to help mellow you out when dealing with the hustle, bustle, crowds, crying kids, decorations, family drama, Uncle Earl, parties, clothing dilemmas, which boy to take to which party… 
Some Fly Girls like to mix it up and have it in a wine glass while making dinner. The herbs in Oasis thrive under stressful conditions and, when consumed, are thought to increase the body’s resistance to stress, anxiety and fatigue – HO, HO, HO Happy Holidays!

ThermoplusEach 2 capsules burns 300 calories.
Advocare Thermo-Plus
  • Supports the body's ability to convert fat into energy
  • Promotes a healthy metabolism
  • Helps suppress appetite
  • Contains oolong tea and sage extracts to support weight loss
Key Ingredients: Sage extract, oolong tea extract, guarana extract, thiamine, niacin
For more information and to purchase, please visit my Advocare shop. Product Page (link under product image) contains more details on ingredients and how they work in your body. 
Fibo-Trim: (This month's product spotlight!) Grab the fat that you are eating and pass it through your system as waste.
Advocare Fibo-Trim
  • Assists in the binding, transport and removal of dietary fats
  • Helps the body eliminate fatty waste materials
  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range
  • Provides a feeling of fullness and helps control appetite
Key Ingredients:Chitosan, psyllium husk powder, guar gum, xanthan gum, garlic powder, beta- sitosterol
For more information and to purchase, please visit my Advocare shop. Product Page (link under product image) contains more details on ingredients and how they work in your body. 
Carb-EaseStops the final breakdown of sugars going into your blood stream, so you can have the carbs without the crash, and they won't be stored as fat.
Advocare Carb-Ease
  • Reduces the absorption of starches, sugars and other carbs
  • Inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates by inhibiting the digestive enzymes used to break them down
  • Helps maintain blood glucose levels already in the normal range
Key Ingredients: L-arabinose, gymnema extract, dry bean extract, hibiscus extract, green tea extract, apple extract
    For more information and to purchase, please visit my Advocare shop. Product Page (link under product image) contains more details on ingredients and how they work in your body. 

    SPARK is a unique multi-nutrient system that was developed as a nutritional source of energy and enhanced mental focus.* It's a sugar-free with more than 20 vitamins, minerals and nutrients that work synergistically to provide a healthy, balanced and effective source of energy that won't overburden or over stimulate your body.* This amazing product serves as an all-in-one solution that gives you a quick boost of energy that lasts for hours of shopping!


    AdvoBar Gingebread Bring the magic of the holidays to life with AdvoBar® Holiday. Experience the familiar gingerbread flavor in a bar full of vitamins and minerals that’s just as good for you as it is tasty. Cinnamon and ginger combine to create a convenient, delicious snack anytime throughout the day.

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